Why Collaboration Matters: How Oslo Pumpeservice, Pumpeteknikk, and Driftsteknikk Joined Forces on Major Projects
In the world of pumping solutions, teamwork makes all the difference. We spoke with Thomas Fuglår from Pumpeteknikk and Vera Östengen from Oslo Pumpeservice about their recent collaborations on exciting projects and how working together strengthened their efforts.
Bringing Together Expertise for a Stronger Solution
Thomas Fuglår of Pumpeteknikk kicked off our conversation by sharing how a project with Oslo Municipality led to a broader collaboration. “We had a project at Valle Hovin Stadion, where we needed help to address an issue with limescale deposits in the drainage system. We reached out to Oslo Pumpeservice and Driftsteknikk to deliver a comprehensive solution. It’s always better to bring in others. It’s more fun, and the result is undoubtedly better.”
At Valle Hovin Stadion, the team delivered a pump solution designed to handle the challenging conditions caused by limescale deposits. In addition, the pumps are rotated and cleaned every 40 days to ensure they don’t break down. This project and another at Tusenfryd amusement park, where the team installed a new pump for the Supersplash ride, showcases the possibilities of collaboration within the River Group.
For Vera Östengen of Oslo Pumpeservice, the collaboration was a natural fit. “We specialize in service, installation, and repairs, while Thomas and his team at Pumpeteknikk bring deep technical expertise and innovative solutions. With our ability to execute these solutions on the ground, our skills complement each other perfectly.”
The Impact of Sharing Knowledge
The partnership didn’t just stay within Norway—Thomas and his team attended a training session in Sweden hosted by Pumpsnabben. This training provided crucial insights into dealing with limescale deposits, which they then applied to the project at Valle Hovin. “It’s pretty cool,” Thomas noted, “and it shows the opportunities we have within the group to learn from each other and bring that knowledge back to our projects.”
The collaboration between Pumpeteknikk, Oslo Pumpeservice, and Driftsteknikk has been beneficial not just for the projects themselves but also for building stronger relationships within the group. “We’re all learning from each other,” Vera added. “And we’re excited about the potential to collaborate even more, whether here in Norway or across borders with our colleagues in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany.”
Key Insights
Reflecting on the benefits of working together, both Thomas and Vera highlighted several key points:
- Enhanced Project Quality: By combining their strengths, the teams could deliver better solutions.
- Knowledge Sharing: Learning from each other has helped everyone improve.
- Efficiency and Flexibility: Collaborating allowed them to maintain capacity within their own companies while still delivering top results.
- Building Relationships: Working together on-site has strengthened bonds and improved communication.
- Win-Win-Win: The collaboration has benefited the companies involved, their clients, and River Group.